Website protection

Protecting your website is crucial just like safeguarding your home or personal devices. Just as you wouldn’t leave your house unlocked for anyone to walk in, leaving your website vulnerable can invite intruders or hackers to exploit it for malicious purposes. Therefore, implementing security measures for your website is paramount to ensure its safety and the protection of your data as well as your visitors’ data.

Meaning of website protection

Website security encompasses the actions taken to safeguard a website against cyber assaults. This involves shielding a website from hackers, malicious software, fraudulent schemes, and phishing attempts, as well as addressing errors. Website security is a continuous endeavor and a vital aspect of website management. Ensuring the security of a website is imperative in safeguarding visitors and users from cyber threats, theft of information, and malicious individuals.

How to protect your website 

As a website owner , few things evoke greater fear than envisioning your painstakingly crafted work being tampered with or completely obliterated by a malicious hacker.

News reports frequently highlight data breaches and cyber intrusions. It’s easy to wonder, “Why would anyone target my modest business website?” However, cyberattacks aren’t exclusive to major corporations. Surprisingly, a study revealed that small businesses bore the brunt of 43% of all data breaches. Given the effort you’ve invested in your website and brand, it’s imperative to invest time in safeguarding it by adhering to these fundamental tips for hacker protection.

Here are a few tips that will help you to protect your website;

1.Install security extensions.

If you constructed your website using a content management system (CMS), you can bolster your website with security extensions that actively thwart hacking attempts. Each of the primary CMS selections offers security extensions, with numerous options available at no cost. Examples of free security extensions for WordPress are:

  • iThemes Security
  • Bulletproof Security
  • Sucuri
  • Wordfence

2. Use HTTPS

Consumers are urged to always check for the green lock icon and “https” in the browser bar whenever they provide sensitive information on a website. These indicators are crucial for hacker security, signifying that it’s safe to disclose financial details on that specific webpage. An SSL certificate plays a vital role in securing the transfer of information, including credit cards, personal data, and contact information, between a website and its server.

Previously deemed essential solely for eCommerce sites, SSL certificates have now become imperative for all websites. Google’s Chrome update in 2018 heightened the significance of SSL certificates, with the browser now alerting visitors if a website lacks one. This could prompt users to leave the site, regardless of whether it collects sensitive data.

Search engines prioritize website security to ensure users have a positive and safe browsing experience. Websites without SSL certificates may face lower rankings in search results as search engines aim to promote secure sites.

For brands aiming to build trust, investing in an SSL certificate is essential. While the cost is minimal, the added encryption it provides enhances website security and trustworthiness for customers.

At webmable, we prioritize website security and strive to make it accessible for all users. All our web hosting packages include a complimentary SSL certificate, automatically applied to your account. However, you’ll need to take a few steps to install the free SSL certificate on your website.

3.Safeguard Your Website: Maintain Platform and Software Updates

Content Management Systems (CMS) equipped with diverse plugins and extensions offer numerous advantages, but they also pose risks. The primary cause of website infections stems from vulnerabilities within a CMS’s extendable components.

Given that many of these tools are developed as open-source software, their code is readily accessible to both well-intentioned developers and malicious hackers alike. Hackers can meticulously analyze this code, searching for security loopholes that enable them to seize control of your website by exploiting any weaknesses in platforms or scripts


To fortify your website against hacking attempts, it’s imperative to ensure that your content management system, plugins, applications, and installed scripts are always up-to-date.

For WordPress users, verifying your update status is straightforward upon logging into your WordPress dashboard. Simply keep an eye out for the update icon positioned in the top left corner adjacent to your site name. 

4. Ensure Your Passwords Are Robust.

This may sound straightforward, yet it holds immense importance.

It’s tempting to opt for a password that you’ll always remember easily. This is why the most common password remains “123456”. However, it’s crucial to aim much higher than that to thwart login attempts from hackers and other unauthorized individuals.

Take the time to create a genuinely secure password (or utilize HostGator’s password generator). Make it lengthy, incorporating a combination of special characters, numbers, and letters. Avoid using easily guessable keywords such as your birthdate or your child’s name. If a hacker gains access to other details about you, they might target these first.

Adhering to strict standards for password security is the initial step. It’s equally vital to ensure that everyone with access to your website employs similarly robust passwords. A single weak password among your team members can render your website vulnerable to a data breach. Therefore, establish clear expectations with all individuals who have access.

Enforce requirements for all website users regarding password length and character types. If your team members prefer using simple passwords for less secure accounts, that’s their prerogative. However, concerning your website, it’s your responsibility (literally), and you can hold them to a higher standard.

5. Opt for Automated Backup Solutions.

Even if you diligently follow all the steps outlined in this guide, there’s still a level of risk involved. The gravest outcome of a website breach is the potential loss of all your data due to a lack of backups. To mitigate this risk, it’s crucial to ensure you always maintain a recent backup of your website.

While experiencing a data breach is undoubtedly distressing, having an up-to-date backup significantly simplifies the recovery process. While manually backing up your website daily or weekly can become a habit, there’s always the possibility of forgetting. Hence, it’s wise to invest in automated backup solutions. It’s a cost-effective measure that offers invaluable peace of mind.

6.Utilize anti-malware software

Regular computer scans are essential for identifying threats before they cause harm. Some free malware scanning services include Quterra, Astra Security, SiteGuarding, and VirusTotal. For websites not engaged in e-commerce activities, there’s an alternative to purchasing software – opt for hosting companies like Webmable that offer malware and virus scanning services as part of their package. They come equipped with a built-in scanner that ensures website security.

7. Deploy Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) plays a crucial role in safeguarding websites by filtering and overseeing HTTP traffic between the website and the internet.

Typically, a WAF is integrated into a suite of tools to provide robust cybersecurity. While they may not offer protection against all types of attacks, they are effective in preventing cross-site forgery, XSS, file inclusions, and SQL injections.

Essentially, a WAF acts as a protective barrier placed in front of the web application, shielding the server by directing users through it before accessing the website.

WAFs commonly operate on a blocklist, allowlist, or a hybrid of both. A blocklist function blocks known attacks, while an allowlist only permits pre-approved traffic.

When implementing a WAF, several factors need consideration. Network-based WAFs, for instance, are locally installed to minimize latency but are the costliest option requiring ample storage.

Conversely, a host-based WAF is integrated into an application’s software, offering a less expensive alternative with greater customization. However, it demands extensive maintenance.

Cloud-based WAFs present an affordable and straightforward implementation option. Users typically pay an initial fee along with monthly charges to a third-party provider.

Regardless of the chosen option, it’s essential to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages to identify the most suitable solution for your needs.

By implementing all the tips above, you will minimize the risk of losing your website while maximizing its protection.


Securing your website should never be taken lightly. It’s your investment, and safeguarding it is paramount. Imagine losing your website due to insufficient protection—all your hard work down the drain. Ensure the safety of your website by visiting Webmable today. They offer everything you need to protect your investment and preserve your hard work.

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